Australians are a digital bunch
Australians, like the rest of the world, embrace our ever-changing world of new technology and social networking. In fact, the average Aussie has three different internet-enabled gadgets—smartphones, laptops and tablets — to stay connected and stay current. Right now, it’s known social media facts that a whopping 95% of Australians are using social media to virtually connect, express and share with family and friends online.
Social Media Facts
We love Facebook
The run-of- the-mill Aussie Facebook user spends at least 8.5 hours a week posting, liking, sharing and ‘checking in’ (24% of users ‘check in’ to local businesses up to 5 times a day!) Facebook is by far the most used social media platform on the market, in fact it’s become such normal part of our daily lives we are multitasking and engaging with Facebook nearly all day long as we go about our business.
So what else are these 12 million Aussie users doing while Facebooking?
• 12% shopping
• 18% in bars and cafes (because food photography is a thing)
• 24% on Holidays
• 30% commuting
• 31% watching TV
• 31% at work (when the supervisors are not looking)
• 34% In bed before we sleep and as soon as we wake up (sad but true)
We won’t even ask how many use it while driving!
Instagram’s pretty popular too
Lets’ dive into some Instagram stats.
Did you know that globally, there are 90 million active users on Instagram, uploading 40 million photos per day? And year after year, the number of users grows at an average rate of 66%. Mike Krieger (co-founded, now billionaire) has got to be happy with those numbers!
70% of these users log on at least once a day, generating an average of 1.6 billion likes, and 86 million comments! That’s 8,500 likes and 1000 comments a second. CRAZY!
What does all these mean?
As you can imagine, in terms of advertising these figures are a gold mine, and even more importantly these platforms create the ability for your customers to actually engage with you. The world of marketing has changed, it’s now more important than ever for your customer to be at the centre of everything your brand does. This means knowing your customer and being present wherever your customer is – and as you can see from the stats above it’s pretty obvious that these days social media is where it’s at.
By sharing content that’s relevant and useful to customers (rather than just selling or promoting your brand), social media can help target the people who matter to you, convert leads, increase brand awareness and best of all, save you a packet on your marketing budget. For a lot of businesses it’s the most effective and least expansive way to speak to your consumer. It’s time to get smart and get social.
For more on social media for your business, read our post How to Decide Which Social Media Platforms to use for your Business.