Let’s be honest, social media has become the modern day public relations – it gets people talking about your business. Opposing traditional advertising, which is essentially just telling people about your business, social media provides the ongoing opportunity to give your brand a personality or persona – this way, you’re not just a corporate face but immediately more human and more relatable.
If you still don’t believe me, here are some general ways social media helps drive sales for your business:
Increase awareness about your business
This doesn’t involve a Carl’s Jnr inspired photoshoot where sexism and burgers combine to create bad publicity, but rather it’s about authentically portraying and expressing your brand through social media and social media advertising (if you have the pockets). In turn, as awareness grows and you begin to build your following on social channels, the word about your business also begins to spread. Then, as your posts continue to grow, people who are fans of your product, service or look, will ultimately find you.
Builds Trust and Loyalty
This is about having notified and convinced your audience you’re not just another Jenny from the block. All of a sudden, you have a group of trusting, loyal followers who are essentially, potential customers. Social media can then begin to help turn these fans into brand advocates. As long as your social and not sales-y in your content choice and social interactions, followers will begin to engage in conversations with you and connect with your content. From there, this begins to build trust and loyalty provided you are consistent with your tone of voice and message.
Showcase your products or services
If you’re still a disbeliever in all things intangible, then the third reason is pretty straight – using social media to showcase your product or service directly. Sounds easy enough, right? Trouble is people always want free shit more than they want to pay, so provided you follow the ‘give, give, ask’ guidelines, then social channels can become a sure fire way to generate and drive more sales. Just don’t sound nor look like an informercial with Microsoft WordArt titles and we’ll be all good.
It’s important to understand that social media is only one piece of the puzzle – if your websites look and feel doesn’t match that of your social channels, it’s less likely people are going to convert – they need to trust your website as much as they trust you on social. Keep that in mind, and if you need a website upgrade, call us.
Has social media ever driven any sales for you?