We want your emails to get the attention they deserve. We all know what a stuffed email inbox looks like, but we also know some emails just beg to be opened and read – let’s make sure those emails are yours!

Email marketing has been through as many twists and turns as search engine optimization and dealt with similar issues of spamming and cramming to get to where we are today: earning our customer’s loyalty by delivering quality content that matters to them.

[Haimat] provides email marketing services designed to deliver the type of content that will nurture lasting relationships with your customers, improving their experience with your brand and deepening the connection between you.

It’s all about the heimat affect. We work to find the passion points, the triggers, the approaches that forge that special sense of belonging.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

Delivering on perceived value

Our goal is to ensure your email communication is consistent and carefully targeted to get the desired result: turning click through to conversion.

We’ll work with your requirements to deliver:
• eCRM strategy
• email design
• email development
• lifecycle programs
• welcome; onboarding; education; cross-, up- and down-selling; ad hoc EDMs; and usage stimulation

eCRM campaigns must deliver something of value to your customers, and what they perceive as value is determined one way: by research and testing. Data drives our understanding of your customers’ preferences and behaviours and allows us to anticipate and respond to their needs.

The bottom line

Your email marketing conversations with customers will naturally change from the moment they become a lead, through their growing familiarity with you, to transactions and follow up.

The communication may change depending on market segmentation, customer feedback and shifting trends. But one of the great benefits of email marketing is the potential for keeping close to those shifts to continuously tailor your delivery.

The bottom line? Email direct marketing uses technology and information to help you secure the links between you and your customers, the pathway to many profitable transactions in the future.

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