
Search Engine Advertising (SEA)

Nothing loves three-letter-acronyms more than the technology industry.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Advertising (SEA) are the TLAs (three letter acronyms) for activities that support your SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
In essence, SEA and SEM are tools for targeting new prospects and getting them to come to your site first. (In other words, to make sure your site is TTU). (Two Thumbs Up!)

SEO first

SEO and SEM need to be developed in that order. Just like everything else in business, it starts with your strategy.

At [Haimat], we can match your SEO, SEA or SEM efforts with your broader digital presence to maximize potential for that special emotional connection we are building for your brand. SEO marketing often uses paid advertising (SEA) in the form of video, text and display ads right where potential customers – those already searching for similar products or services – will see it. The more enticing your message, the higher the rates of audience engagement.

In most cases, costing is based on the value of the customer engagement, whether that’s pay-per-view (which is on number of impressions), pay per click (the number of clicks through to your website and time spent on the site) or pay-per-lead (full conversion to a customer). Best of all, transparency allows you to trace and track where your advertising dollar is going and what your potential customers are interacting with so you can further shape your message.

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